Volcanos National Park


Nestled in the northwestern reaches of Rwanda, the Volcanoes National Park claims its domain. Embracing five of the eight Virunga Mountains’ majestic volcanoes – Karisimbi, Bisoke, Muhabura, Gahinga, and Sabyinyo – this sanctuary encompasses a lush expanse of 160 km2 (62 sq mi) of captivating rainforest. Its borders interlace with Mgahinga Gorilla National Park in Uganda and the Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Within this realm, both the mountain gorilla and the golden monkey find their sanctuary, crafting an intricate tapestry of life. It was here that esteemed primatologist Dian Fossey anchored her work, shaping her legacy. The Volcanoes National Park stands as a bridge between nations and ecosystems, a haven for these treasured species, and a testament to the shared commitment to protect and preserve our natural heritage.

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